Temenos is the fourth-largest software company in Europe, with over USD 185 million in profits and a market cap of more than USD 5 billion. The company has been focused in software for banking and finance for more than 25 years.
Temenos’ Innovation Jam invites the very best fintech companies - those that add real business value to its customers, to showcase the most impressive demos of financial services software to financial institutions. Avalia Systems was invited to present in Geneva on the 17th of April.
In the demo, Avalia Systems CTO, Olivier Liechti, presented a case where its software analytics platform evaluated and benchmarked blockchain technologies such as Ethereum, Neo, and Hyperledger. The system produced analysis on the business trends, software assets, development processes, and people involved in just a few minutes by mining data from crypto-exchanges, Reddit forums, and Github.
The presentation provided a brief taste of the over 200 data-driven analyses performed by Avalia’s platform.