Avalia sponsored Data Driven Business 2022, the biggest data analytics event in Brazil held by Neoway, a B3 company. DDB 2022 brought together major names in the market, to present how "Data Analytics" has transformed business and how leaders and managers can make increasingly efficient decisions, and outline strategies to accelerate business evolution through data.
The conference took place on August 30, 2022, at the WTC - Golden Hall, in São Paulo, with a live online transmission, including simultaneous translation of the keynote speaker. Guest keynote speaker Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel laureate in economics, a world authority on decision-making under adversity, and one of the founders of behavioral economics.
During his lecture, Daniel Kahneman, the author of the bestseller: Fast and Slow: Two Ways of Thinking, brought insights and thought-provoking reflections for decision-makers on biases, intuition, and reason. And he talked about how to apply theory in practice to have a better vision of the business's future
Then, the CEO and co-founder of Avalia Systems, Rodney Reis, participated in a panel on "Analytical intelligence to expand the business and gain scale" to discuss the application of data in strategic decisions that involve growth and innovation. Also participating in the panel were Rodolfo Riechert, CEO of Genial Investimentos, and Marco Bravo, Head of Google Cloud.
The event's agenda featured other big names in the Brazilian market presenting and debating themes related to the main topic: how to transform data into a vision of the future. Check out some of the subjects discussed:
What to expect from the political and economic scenarios?
Data Driven and Insight Led: Building a Value Journey
Discover the real SMART money
The power of data ecosystems for better decision making
The role of data in the culture of innovation
Data, ESG and value creation: how Boards operate in this new world
The future of Data Analytics: how to get the strategy right?
Meanwhile, a team of Directors from Avalia was present at an exclusive stand, intending to review and connect live with customers and create new partnerships: John Lemos Forman, Maurício Bento, Anderson Soffa, and Fabio Velloso.
Avalia was honored to be a sponsor and to actively contribute to this year's edition of the Data Driven Business. Because being data-driven is in our DNA, part of our core business, and being a strategic differentiator of its Software Due Diligence, that is also intrinsic to all our value propositions.
Avalia Systems has an innovative approach to its Software Due Diligence by combining the power of technology operation data with expert analysis to obtain a clear view of the technology, its risks, opportunities, and actions to improve the impact of technology on business results.
In your next M&A or investment in technology, count on Avalia Systems' Software Due Diligence. Talk to our experts.

"The event showed the importance of data analytics for businesses in the most varied sectors, reinforcing that data coming from traditional sources is indispensable but no longer sufficient to maintain competitiveness, much less to stay ahead of the competition. It is necessary to collect data from customers and their interests more broadly, and look at internal areas of the organization that have been under-explored/understood so far.” John Forman, Business Director at Avalia Systems."
Check out some photos of the speech given by the CEO of Avalia Systems at “Data Driven Business 2022”: